Thursday, August 04, 2005


Following a successful nine month trial in Welwyn Hatfield, Bumblebee Auctions went live across Hertfordshire on August 1.

The new system which sees items like cycles, watches, playstations, DVD’s and jewellery up for auction replaces the old police system of selling items via public auction houses where only a handful of people attending could bid.

The Constabulary will be auctioning found property that is unclaimed after six weeks and seized property that we has been retained for more than six months.

Chief Inspector Mark Crampton, who is overseeing the site, explained: “The Constabulary does a huge search on its computer systems to try and trace owners who have lost property. It also carries out detailed examinations of items to look for markings or post-codes in an effort to reunite property with its owners. If this proves unsuccessful the Force is entitled under the Police Property Act to dispose of these items by sale.

Under the Police Property Act a large proportion of monies raised are given to charitable causes through ‘Herts in Trust’ which was set up in partnership to support local initiatives such as Victim Support, Princess Trust, the Missing Person’s Bureaux and alcohol abuse charities.

Mark added: “The Constabulary is pleased to be able to participate in the Bumblebee Auction system and allow the public the opportunity to buy property being sold by the police. Experience has shown that this is a very practical way of offering the public a chance to pick up a real bargain knowing their money is going to a good local cause.